Bulk Editing

Bulk Editing

This is an advanced feature. Most editing should be done using the control panel.
Use of this feature could overwrite data. Duplicate your simulation before using this feature if you are uncertain about overwriting content. 
In some situations you may want to edit your simulation using a CSV file rather than the full simulation control panel. Some use cases for this feature include:
  1. You have a lot of new material to add
  2. You want to make a lot of revisions to an existing simulation
  3. You want to update a certain type of data, such as amounts with new figures
  4. You are searching for an error and want to see current information in a spreadsheet format.
To use this feature, in the simulation module, scroll to the bottom of the Revenue or Spending tabs and select "Bulk Edit." You will see two buttons:
  1. "Export to CSV" will download a CSV with the current revenue or spending content. Use this if you want to revise existing material. 
  2. "Re-import from CSV" will allow you to add or change content in your simulation. 
How is data handled when re-imported?
The "Re-import from CSV" feature includes the five basic types of data in Balancing Act: Category, Subcategory, Amount, More Info, and More Details. See below for an illustration of the data structure and sample CSV. Data may be handled in two ways: 
  1. Update existing data: if your CSV contains exact matches for both category and subcategory names, any data you enter for amount, more info, or more details will be updated with the new values. If you leave a cell empty it will erase that content on the simulation. 
  2. Adding new data: new data can be added for all five types of data and then further refined using the simulation control panel. 
The five basic data types in Balancing Act:
five types of data
Sample CSV with five basic data types in Balancing Act:
csv structure

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