Guided Tour

Guided Tour

How it Works

The Guided Tour feature allows the simulation maker to select the most important items for residents to interact with first, before proceeding to the full simulation. This is an excellent feature to highlight specific scenario questions, bond requests, or any other prominent items. 

Setting up Guided Tour

From the "Guided Tour" tab, you'll be able to see the categories and sub-categories that you've already added to your simulation.


Now it's time to select items! To select a sub-category for the Guided Tour, click on the checkbox next to the item of choice. You can include as many items as you prefer in the Guided Tour. 

Now, these items will appear to the user prior to seeing the entire simulation at once.


You can arrange the order in which certain items appear to the user within the Guided Tour using the drag and drop/arrows tool. There is also a checkbox that will ensure the inclusion of the "More Info" and "More Details" for each of your selected items as well.


How it Looks

This example is utilizing our mapping feature