Using Meeting Mode for Remote and/or In-Person Facilitation

Using Meeting Mode for Remote and/or In-Person Facilitation



Balancing Act’s “Meeting Mode” was designed to allow the simulation to be used either at an in-person or remote/online meeting.  What makes Meeting Mode unique is that it allows the simulation to be used as a facilitation tool and creates the opportunity for informed, two-way communication with groups of constituents in real-time. The facilitator can view (in real-time) the budget preferences of the group and then use that information to frame the conversation. 

 Setting up Meeting Mode

·         Note: Meeting Mode can only be used on an ACTIVATED simulation. It is optimized for computers, phones, and tablets.

On your dashboard, scroll down to “Meetings.” Click “Create Meeting.” Make sure you give your meeting a name and choose the simulation that you wish to use.

Each meeting you conduct should have a separate URL.  That URL is the “public link” the link that you distribute to your meeting participants. The public URL will be lengthy – it will look something like this  ( Therefore, we suggest that you shorten it with Bitly or Tiny URL or obtain a custom domain name and redirect it.
You may email  this URL in advance to your participants if you are asking people to pre-register for the meeting or use the “chat” function and send it when the meeting begins. 


·   Send participants the Public URL.

·    Show (optional) participant tutorial

 Facilitator Process Suggestions

The Facilitator uses “Facilitator View” (not the Participant View) to view the results in real-time.
The Facilitator View provides a “running tally” that shows (in real-time) the choices of those who are participating in that specific meeting.

The facilitator should provide an opening statement, walk through the simulation, and  highlight key areas of concern. Here are a few things to keep in mind: 

Give 10 minutes or so for participants to do the simulation on their own
Remind participants that they MUST press SUBMIT after each category; a green check will then be displayed confirming the submission
If participants DO NOT press SUBMIT their response will not be counted. 

Encourage questions, interaction, “raise hand”

The facilitator screen refreshes every 30 seconds and shows input from anyone using the Public View

Use the "Facilitator" view as the audience facing screen in a virtual or in-person meeting

Meeting Results

An aggregated/general report from the meeting can be seen by clicking “Meeting Results.” 

More specific results can be found on the Simulations Page by clicking on the “Download Report ”  and in the Analytics module as long as the user submits their choices.


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